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(美国商业资讯)–男性尿道狭窄可阻断尿液从膀胱排出。著名泌尿科医生Akio Horiguchi博士报告称,BEES-HAUS细胞疗法有望解决这一问题。BEES-HAUS是一种基于自体颊粘膜细胞的新疗法。Akio Horiguchi博士已证实,该方法在日本的易于再现性,以及在尿道损伤和疤痕部位进行细胞移植是防止狭窄复发的关键步骤。研究尿道狭窄Dmitriy Nikolavsky博士(纽约上州大学医院)称赞了这一重大成就。Suryaprakash Vaddi博士报告了BEES-HAUS在6例患者中的成功临床转归,并在江户川医院联合赞助的第十七届NCRM NICHE 2022国际再生医学会议上主持相关报告。

本新闻稿包含多媒体。此处查看新闻稿全文: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221023005128/zh-CN/

Dr. Shojiro Katoh, President, Edogawa Hospital & Jinseisha-Social welfare trust, and Dr. Akio Horiguchi with “Nyodokyosakusho” a book by Dr. Horiguchi, in the new annex with a high-tech biomaterial lab, cell culture and tissue engineering R&D facility. They both share their commitment to make Edogawa Hospital not only an institute for advanced treatment to patients with urethral stricture but also a medical research, technology and clinical skills propagation center. To the existing three tomotherapy units & MRIdian, adding of BNCT system, an accelerator-based neutron production unit with lithium as target, will make the hospital, a global hub of advanced care in oncology domain. Clinical trials for Breast cancer with BNCT are to start in the near future. With convenient access to both Narita and Haneda International airports, Edogawa hospital is preferred by foreign patients and further strengthening of support systems to cater to inbound medical tourism is underway says Dr. Katoh. (Photo: Business Wire)

Dr. Shojiro Katoh, President, Edogawa Hospital & Jinseisha-Social welfare trust, and Dr. Akio Horiguchi with “Nyodokyosakusho” a book by Dr. Horiguchi, in the new annex with a high-tech biomaterial lab, cell culture and tissue engineering R&D facility. They both share their commitment to make Edogawa Hospital not only an institute for advanced treatment to patients with urethral stricture but also a medical research, technology and clinical skills propagation center. To the existing three tomotherapy units & MRIdian, adding of BNCT system, an accelerator-based neutron production unit with lithium as target, will make the hospital, a global hub of advanced care in oncology domain. Clinical trials for Breast cancer with BNCT are to start in the near future. With convenient access to both Narita and Haneda International airports, Edogawa hospital is preferred by foreign patients and further strengthening of support systems to cater to inbound medical tourism is underway says Dr. Katoh. (Photo: Business Wire)

尽管有各种治疗方法,例如微创内镜下尿道切开术或扩张术、带有颊粘膜贴片的侵入性外科尿道成形术,但男性尿道狭窄的发病率在55岁后仍会增加,并有复发的报道。日本科学家开发的一种新型聚合物支架可通过BEES-HAUS细胞疗法的细胞移植成功缓解尿道狭窄。通过对细胞移植在形态学和免疫组织化学上的再确认,江户川医院正在准备一项较大样本的研究,其在AUA 2022上呈报的数据现已被《干细胞评论和报道》(Stem Cell Reviews and Reports)接受发表。JBM Inc.是获得BEES-HAUS日本专利的合作者,已开发出一款用于实验室与医院之间的细胞转运的高效口腔组织保存溶液OPTRACT方法),以支持开展细胞治疗手术。

印度尼西亚万隆理工学院的Hasna Firdaus Aryantha和Natasya Emmanuela赢得NCRM NICHE 2022Fujio Cup Quiz竞赛,第二名是印度钦奈Sri Ramachandra高等教育与研究所的Vijaya Harini和Yoghalakshmi Nagarajan。

江户川医院、医疗旅游和知识传播中心江户川医院院长Shojiro Katoh博士表示,祝贺Horiguchi博士取得的成就,该院将继续跨学科转化研究,以解决此类未获满足的需求。该院正在建立硼中子俘获疗法(BNCT)系统,这是一种最新和先进的靶向癌症治疗方法,同时正在研究高效的投药系统以促进对硼的吸收,从而有效摧毁癌细胞。他补充道,BNCT中心将在获得核准后向来自国外的癌症患者开放。


在 businesswire.com 上查看源版本新闻稿: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20221023005128/zh-CN/


Samuel JK Abraham


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